It appears that the City of Lockport Common Council has quite a wish list for Santa Claus this year! It is doubtful that he will be able to deliver such a large gift.
The Council has passed a budget that quite frankly is absurd. They have ignored a decade of trends for both the Fire and Police Departments. Consider that each department spends roughly $300,000 per year in overtime and yet the Council has only budgeted $50,000 per Department for 2013! That will leave the City with a $500,000 shortfall in unallocated overtime expenses for those two departments alone!
The other item on their budget wish list is that the City's Unions will concede over $750,000 in medical benefits in their negotiations. I have no ill feelings for the men and women in these unions, after all, who doesn't want to be well compensated for the work they do? However, it is doubtful that the unions will give up anything close to $750,000 in medical benefits, and so once again, what will the City do when it comes up short in its negotiations?
A 0% tax rate increase sounds good, but knowingly passing a budget with out realistic projections is criminal! I can only surmise that this budget was passed with an eye toward the 2013 election season and how good it will sound to the average Lockportian as the current Council goes door-to-door campaigning!
Well, there it is, the Council's Christmas Wishes and Budget Blunders!
Merry Christmas and may God bless you all!

Sunday, December 23, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Time To Stop The Finger Pointing
The 62nd Senate District Republican Primary Race is a classic example of what's wrong with our Country today! When a conservative, independent thinking Republican goes up against a self-serving, egotistical, unethical, two-face Republicrat, and loses by a 2 to 1 margin, you have to ask why. I believe the answer is actually quite simple, people are perfectly content with mediocrity! That can be the only explanation for their contentment at the highest property taxes in the nation, the lack of employment, and the willing to accept unethical hiring practices in the public sector as well as the awarding of contacts to those that contribute to the incumbents campaign coffers.
So, to those of you that voted for George Maziarz, I have the following suggestion: The next time that you want to blame your local municipality for your high taxes, and then your local municipality blames the County Legislature, and then the County Legislature blames the State and its mandates, and then the State blames the Federal Government and its mandates, think! Save your breath because they're not listening to your words, they're listening to your vote. They believe that they can do whatever they want because you elected them, and guess what? They're right! Do you know why? Because you will vote for them over and over, again. Because you have!
So stop the finger pointing! Go look in the mirror and see the real cause of high taxes, high unemployment, poor education, overloaded welfare roles, high insurance premiums, high electrical rates, high water rates, failing infrastructures, declining property values, high gas prices, and all the other stuff you love to complain about! YOU DID IT, AND YOU ALONE!
So, to those of you that voted for George Maziarz, I have the following suggestion: The next time that you want to blame your local municipality for your high taxes, and then your local municipality blames the County Legislature, and then the County Legislature blames the State and its mandates, and then the State blames the Federal Government and its mandates, think! Save your breath because they're not listening to your words, they're listening to your vote. They believe that they can do whatever they want because you elected them, and guess what? They're right! Do you know why? Because you will vote for them over and over, again. Because you have!
So stop the finger pointing! Go look in the mirror and see the real cause of high taxes, high unemployment, poor education, overloaded welfare roles, high insurance premiums, high electrical rates, high water rates, failing infrastructures, declining property values, high gas prices, and all the other stuff you love to complain about! YOU DID IT, AND YOU ALONE!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Lockport to join water study
Updated: September 4, 2012, 3:16 PM
The North Tonawanda Common Council already approved an identical appropriation Aug. 21. The two cities are moving toward a possible agreement for North Tonawanda to sell treated drinking water to Lockport.
However, that will work only if Lockport's 13-mile pipeline from the North Tonawanda riverfront is in good enough condition to handle treated water.
That's the reason for the study primarily to be funded by a grant from the state Department of State. North Tonawanda Mayor Robert G. Ortt said the two cities are splitting the 20 percent match required for the grant to be received.
Norman D. Allen, Lockport director of engineering and public works, said Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, the Buffalo engineering firm that carried out the feasibility study for a multicity water deal in Niagara County, will handle the analysis of the pipeline.
The firm's initial study concluded that it was not technically feasible for Niagara Falls to join in a common water supply system with Lockport and North Tonawanda but that the latter two could work out such an arrangement.
"What we're looking at is a landmark deal that will save ratepayers money in North Tonawanda and Lockport," Ortt said.
But Tucker noted that his corporation counsel, John J. Ottaviano, had learned that participation in the grant or the study does not commit Lockport to buying water from North Tonawanda. If Lockport intends to stop treating its own water, Alderman Patrick W. Schrader, longtime chairman of Lockport's Water and Sewer Committee, has spoken out in favor of buying from the Niagara County Water District, which already has a supply valve in Lockport.
The county charges 75 cents per 1,000 gallons to its customers. Ortt said the price North Tonawanda would charge Lockport has yet to be discussed.
"Obviously, if this [pipeline study] comes back in the negative, the project's probably dead. We're trying to take this step by step rather than muddy up the waters on the back end," Ortt said. "We know there's a minimum price we'd have to charge to make it economically feasible for North Tonawanda."
Tucker said the three miles of pipeline closest to Lockport is the issue. It is 80 years old, while the other 10-mile section was replaced during the 1990s.
"It's a good idea to find out the condition of our line at a minimal cost. We've got another municipality helping to pay the cost of inspecting our line. It's good information for us to have," Tucker said.
The Niagara County Health Department would have to approve the use of the pipeline to carry treated water.
Once again, Tucker and his lap dogs are forging ahead with a plan to waste tax dollars on a study to share services with another municipality that will have no benefit for the taxpayers in the City! It is extremely rare that it happens, but I find myself agreeing with Pat Schrader on this one. If Lockport wants to get out of the water treatment business, and they should, then let the County take it over! For years the City has been charging exhorbitant rates to its citizens to help balance the general fund, as they do with the new garbage program and waste water treatment. The question should be asked, "Who will benefit from this plan?", because we know that it won't be the taxpayers.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Consultants, Consultants, Consultants!
Here we go again. With City Union contracts set to expire at the end of the year, the Mayor wants to hire a law firm to help with contract negotiations. Unless, I'm mistaken, and I'm usually not, the City budgeted money to retain Dick Mullaney as an advisor to the new City Clerk and to help negotiate the new contracts! Dick has served the City well as Clerk, Budget Director, and as part of the negotiating team in many contracts in the past. So, I guess I'm a little confused, if we have City Attorneys on staff, Dick Mullaney retained as a consultant, and a Mayor as our CEO, why do we need to spend more money on an outside law firm? We all know why, because our Mayor and City Attorneys are incompetent and because some GOP law firm donated money to Maziarz and Tucker and it's time for payback.
My prediction for how the negotiations will go is something like this; The Unions and City Hall have already planned their strategy together as far back as before the November election when the Police and Fire Unions endorsed Tucker. The Mayor will say the Union is demanding too much, the Union will say that the Mayor wants to take too much away, this will go on for months, all the while both sides are exchanging winks. Then, the Mayor will tell us what a great deal he made on our behalf and come out with some b.s. about how bad it could have been. The police and fire unions will get what they want, the department heads union will get what they want, and the guys that really have an affect on our everyday lives will get the short end of the straw.
My prediction for how the negotiations will go is something like this; The Unions and City Hall have already planned their strategy together as far back as before the November election when the Police and Fire Unions endorsed Tucker. The Mayor will say the Union is demanding too much, the Union will say that the Mayor wants to take too much away, this will go on for months, all the while both sides are exchanging winks. Then, the Mayor will tell us what a great deal he made on our behalf and come out with some b.s. about how bad it could have been. The police and fire unions will get what they want, the department heads union will get what they want, and the guys that really have an affect on our everyday lives will get the short end of the straw.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Once again, it appears that another faithful lap dog will get a job at taxpayers' expense. According to the papers, our Mayor is asking the Common Coumcil to create a position to market the City. Hey, I get it, George wants to reward somebody with a nice cushy job! Yeah, what a great idea, create another position at $40-45,000. Oh wait, now factor in benefits, now it's more like $60-70,000! Can't wait to see who's in line for this one! My #1 guess is Heather Peck, my #2 is Jay Krull, they're both labor fakers.
I have a better idea, because I agree that the NTCC is wasting our money, why not let the real professionals do the job. My choice is hometown favorite The Fitzgerald Group, real marketing professionals. Give them a 4 year contract for $200,000, and have them track the ROI (producing verifiable numbers). If they don't perform, try another firm. No legacy costs, and no problem firing them like we would have with the job creation.
I have a better idea, because I agree that the NTCC is wasting our money, why not let the real professionals do the job. My choice is hometown favorite The Fitzgerald Group, real marketing professionals. Give them a 4 year contract for $200,000, and have them track the ROI (producing verifiable numbers). If they don't perform, try another firm. No legacy costs, and no problem firing them like we would have with the job creation.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
David versus "Goliath"
Mongielo, Lockport Town Board resume conflict of interest feud
Updated: March 11, 2012, 7:19 AM
Mongielo, the unsuccessful 2009 candidate for supervisor who faces a potential 15-day jail sentence for violating the town’s sign ordinance, took to the microphone during the public comment period at Wednesday’s Town Board meeting.
Mongielo, a Republican committeeman, made an argument he’s offered before: that the practice of having town officeholders also serve as GOP committee members creates a conflict of interest.
Mongielo called the practice, seen not only in Lockport but in almost every other municipality, “corrupt,” because it means officeholders can take part in securing endorsements for themselves.
As the five-minute time limit expired, Supervisor Marc R. Smith warned Mongielo that his time was up. Mongielo kept talking, so after a second warning, Smith directed the technician producing the cable TV broadcast of the meeting to turn off the microphone.
“Communism in Lockport,” Mongielo said as he went back to his seat.
However, that wasn’t the end of it. Councilman Mark C. Crocker said he wanted to talk to Mongielo about a YouTube video Mongielo had produced, entitled “David Mongielo is Going to Jail For Helping Residents.”
This referred back to the issue Mongielo has with the town’s sign law.
Mongielo is awaiting a verdict March 20 from Town Justice Raymond E. Schilling, who conducted a nonjury trial Dec. 28 on Mongielo’s second alleged violation of the town’s law barring electronic signs that change more than once every 10 seconds.
Since the alleged violation occurred during the time of Mongielo’s conditional discharge for his first sign-law violation, Schilling could sentence him to 15 days behind bars.
A 9-minute videotape shot Aug. 25 by Donald J. Jablonski, town GOP chairman and Zoning Board member, showed the sign in front of Mongielo’s Robinson Road auto repair shop changing every two seconds.
Although the sign is usually used to advertise Mongielo’s business, it has been used on occasion to promote community fundraisers.
On Aug. 25, the video sign was promoting a fundraiser for Allen Gerhardt, a Niagara County sheriff’s deputy who lost both legs in a July 18 crash.
Wednesday, Crocker asked Mongielo, “How did you help Kayla Allen?”
“We help people dying of cancer,” Mongielo said. “I don’t know who Kayla is. She’s a girl who probably died, right?”
Crocker said his research indicated that Kayla Allen was murdered in North Carolina in 2003. In his video, Mongielo used a picture of that girl and her gravesite that he found on the Internet.
Crocker said that incident had nothing to do with Lockport and occurred years before Mongielo moved his business from Pendleton to Lockport.
“Don’t be dishonest,” Crocker told Mongielo. “Don’t use murdered children to further your political gains.”
“It just shows the dysfunction of local government,” said Mongielo, who provided The Buffalo News with a copy of an anonymous political mailing sent out against him in January.
At least one official reacted to Mongielo’s charges with sarcasm.
Councilman Paul H. Pettit told the audience, “I learned tonight I was corrupt and a Communist. I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
While I may not always agree with Dave Mongielo's tactics, I do admire his persistence and passion! Hey, let's face it folks, any time you question the status-quo, the press and the people in power are going to paint you as some kind of lunatic or a sore loser. I, like Dave, am less concerned with the actual political views and ideals of a person, and am more concerned with the processes. Keep up the heat Mr. Mongielo, people are watching, listening, and learning!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Biggest Loser?
The Lockport Athletic & Fitness Club is the host for its third annual
Downtown Meltdown. From left to right: Amer Abdallah, club owner; Dave Hoffmann,
Niagara County Assistant District Attorney; Gina Nowak, club manager; Mayor Mike
Tucker; Pete Robinson, Courts Officer; Tony Nemi, Niagara County Legislator;
Gary Chapman, Papa Leo’s manager and Juan Deleon, Team Abdallah coach.
Do I really have to say more?
Do I really have to say more?
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Prime City Owned Property Tapped For 'Friends And Family Plan'
City officials revive ice rink discussions
By Thomas J. Prohaska
Updated: February 12, 2012, 7:21 AM
LOCKPORT — It’s been dormant for several years, but city officials were voicing optimism last week that the Lockport Ice Arena and Sports Center may become a reality as soon as this year.
“Recent developments have given us reason to believe that this project will become a reality very soon, and I am committed to making it happen,” Mayor Michael W. Tucker said in last week’s State of the City address.
Corporation Counsel John J. Ottaviano said Ciminelli Real Estate Corp., hired in early December to mastermind the construction and financing of the arena, has submitted a construction estimate of $10 million to $14 million.
More importantly, Ottaviano said, Ciminelli has a plan to sell federal income tax credits to investors whose payments would comprise 38 percent of the construction cost.
Foundation grants also may be announced soon to assist with the funding of the twin-rink complex, to be built in the former Jubilee supermarket on Chestnut Street. Bank loans also are part of the financing plan.
“We’re within $3 million to $4 million of closing this entire deal,” Ottaviano said. “Now that’s a very significant number, but it’s a lot closer than we were before.”
The rather large range in the construction budget reflects some decisions not yet made that could add or subtract costs.
Among them, Ottaviano said, are the exact size and exterior appearance of the building and whether parking should be expanding onto the former Dussault Foundry site at the foot of Washburn Street.
Before Ciminelli’s work, the cost estimate was $18 million, but company officials said when they were hired that they thought they could bring that down.
Jim Cain of Firland Management, a Lewiston, Maine, arena operator, will update the operating budget, Ottaviano said. Also, local schools and minor hockey organizations who previously had expressed interest in playing in a Lockport rink will be asked if that’s still true.
Despite the involvement of city officials such as Ottaviano and R. Charles Bell, director of planning and development, the project is being headed by a not-for-profit organization with no call on the city’s treasury.
“I don’t see us getting involved financially,” Tucker said.
Perhaps I am just missing it, why will the proposed ice rink be so successful? I am not against the idea, I just don't understand why this rink will do better than the Kenan faired. Why not make the necessary repairs to the Kenan Center and update that structure? Seems like it should be more economically feasible and they do have plenty of property for parking. I will make this prediction with a fair amount of certainty, the Dussault property will given or sold to this politically connected group for well under its value, it is a prime piece of real estate that will now be used as a parking lot for a pipe dream.
By Thomas J. Prohaska
Updated: February 12, 2012, 7:21 AM
“Recent developments have given us reason to believe that this project will become a reality very soon, and I am committed to making it happen,” Mayor Michael W. Tucker said in last week’s State of the City address.
Corporation Counsel John J. Ottaviano said Ciminelli Real Estate Corp., hired in early December to mastermind the construction and financing of the arena, has submitted a construction estimate of $10 million to $14 million.
More importantly, Ottaviano said, Ciminelli has a plan to sell federal income tax credits to investors whose payments would comprise 38 percent of the construction cost.
Foundation grants also may be announced soon to assist with the funding of the twin-rink complex, to be built in the former Jubilee supermarket on Chestnut Street. Bank loans also are part of the financing plan.
“We’re within $3 million to $4 million of closing this entire deal,” Ottaviano said. “Now that’s a very significant number, but it’s a lot closer than we were before.”
The rather large range in the construction budget reflects some decisions not yet made that could add or subtract costs.
Among them, Ottaviano said, are the exact size and exterior appearance of the building and whether parking should be expanding onto the former Dussault Foundry site at the foot of Washburn Street.
Before Ciminelli’s work, the cost estimate was $18 million, but company officials said when they were hired that they thought they could bring that down.
Jim Cain of Firland Management, a Lewiston, Maine, arena operator, will update the operating budget, Ottaviano said. Also, local schools and minor hockey organizations who previously had expressed interest in playing in a Lockport rink will be asked if that’s still true.
Despite the involvement of city officials such as Ottaviano and R. Charles Bell, director of planning and development, the project is being headed by a not-for-profit organization with no call on the city’s treasury.
“I don’t see us getting involved financially,” Tucker said.
Perhaps I am just missing it, why will the proposed ice rink be so successful? I am not against the idea, I just don't understand why this rink will do better than the Kenan faired. Why not make the necessary repairs to the Kenan Center and update that structure? Seems like it should be more economically feasible and they do have plenty of property for parking. I will make this prediction with a fair amount of certainty, the Dussault property will given or sold to this politically connected group for well under its value, it is a prime piece of real estate that will now be used as a parking lot for a pipe dream.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
No Surprise Here!
Fuel error damages engine in new fire truck
By Thomas J. Prohaska
Updated: February 11, 2012, 6:29 AM
LOCKPORT — The city’s new $490,000 fire truck needed major engine repairs because of an incident during the Jan. 27-28 tire fire.
Fire Chief Thomas J. Passuite said it cost $6,700 to repair the diesel engine after unleaded gasoline was poured into the fuel tank of the truck, which is less than a year old.
Mayor Michael W. Tucker said a Streets Department worker was at fault, but he was not disciplined. “It was just human error in the heat of the moment. We did a full investigation,” Tucker said.
The incident occurred when the worker was sent to Thrifty Oil, the city’s fuel vendor, to get more fuel during the overnight hours, as fire trucks were running low at the scene of the massive blaze at Liberty Tire Recycling on Ohio Street.
The worker was driving a city pickup truck with a 50-gallon fuel tank in the bed. Tucker said the tank is divided in two, with half labeled “unleaded” and the other half “diesel.”
The worker pumped some unleaded gas into the diesel tank, apparently realized his mistake and filled the tank the rest of the way with diesel.
Passuite said the new truck took all 50 gallons of the resulting mixture.
“It shut down. It overheated. It just died,” Passuite said.
Every Fire Department vehicle runs on diesel. “We had all the rest of our vehicles examined,” Passuite said. No other problems were found.
Norman D. Allen, city director of engineering and public works, said the city cleaned out the fuel tank on the pickup truck and installed brighter lettering for the diesel and unleaded halves.
Once again, it comes as no surprise that this Mayor has no intention ot interest in protecting the City. While I agree that this is an unfortunate mistake and likely done without malice, the fact is that there should be some type of discplinary action taken. We had a vehicle put out of commission risking lives and property in the City, we have a repair bill for $6,700.00 on a new truck, all the result of human error and the subsequent attempt to cover it up. Yes, we all screw up some times, but to not take responsibilty from the very start deserves disciplinary action (unless you're liked by the Mayor of course).
By Thomas J. Prohaska
Updated: February 11, 2012, 6:29 AM
Fire Chief Thomas J. Passuite said it cost $6,700 to repair the diesel engine after unleaded gasoline was poured into the fuel tank of the truck, which is less than a year old.
Mayor Michael W. Tucker said a Streets Department worker was at fault, but he was not disciplined. “It was just human error in the heat of the moment. We did a full investigation,” Tucker said.
The incident occurred when the worker was sent to Thrifty Oil, the city’s fuel vendor, to get more fuel during the overnight hours, as fire trucks were running low at the scene of the massive blaze at Liberty Tire Recycling on Ohio Street.
The worker was driving a city pickup truck with a 50-gallon fuel tank in the bed. Tucker said the tank is divided in two, with half labeled “unleaded” and the other half “diesel.”
The worker pumped some unleaded gas into the diesel tank, apparently realized his mistake and filled the tank the rest of the way with diesel.
Passuite said the new truck took all 50 gallons of the resulting mixture.
“It shut down. It overheated. It just died,” Passuite said.
Every Fire Department vehicle runs on diesel. “We had all the rest of our vehicles examined,” Passuite said. No other problems were found.
Norman D. Allen, city director of engineering and public works, said the city cleaned out the fuel tank on the pickup truck and installed brighter lettering for the diesel and unleaded halves.
Once again, it comes as no surprise that this Mayor has no intention ot interest in protecting the City. While I agree that this is an unfortunate mistake and likely done without malice, the fact is that there should be some type of discplinary action taken. We had a vehicle put out of commission risking lives and property in the City, we have a repair bill for $6,700.00 on a new truck, all the result of human error and the subsequent attempt to cover it up. Yes, we all screw up some times, but to not take responsibilty from the very start deserves disciplinary action (unless you're liked by the Mayor of course).
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Tucker Blows Smoke up Residents' Butts
Mayor sees union health costs as issue
By Thomas J. Prohaska
LOCKPORT — Mayor Michael W. Tucker said during his State of the City message Tuesday that the city’s financial situation demands union concessions on the cost of health insurance.
“This year all five union contracts are up, and the health care issue will be on the table, will be the focus,” Tucker told a luncheon meeting of the Lockport Rotary Club in the Lockport Town and Country Club.
“We must find a common ground that is acceptable to both the unions and the taxpayers, and I am confident that we will,” he said. “I am asking the leadership of the city’s unions to reflect on the world today, and ask them to work with me to be reasonable and open to new ideas so we are not forced to look at the alternative.”
Tucker didn’t mention layoffs, but in a departure from his prepared text, he said, “We will do what we have to do.”
In a brief interview after the speech, Tucker, a former United Auto Workers official when he worked at Delphi, indicated that the city won’t start the bargaining from a position of hostility toward the unions.
“I have a good relationship with them. They have a good relationship with me,” the mayor said.
“We’re months away from sitting down at the table,” said Kevin Pratt, president of the Lockport Professional Fire Fighters Association. The union contracts don’t run out until Dec. 31, and Pratt vowed not to negotiate in the media.
“Negotiations are best served at the table. Mike Tucker and I have agreed on that for years,” Pratt said.
He added that the fire union and Tucker have a track record.
“It was the unions 10 years ago that brought significant savings on health care to the City of Lockport,” Pratt said. “[Former Mayor] Tom Sullivan rejected it for four years, and Mike Tucker did it within eight months of taking office. That saved the city $3 million in the first four years.”
Tucker said the city’s financial condition is good now, marked by the highest bond rating in Lockport history. But he said, “We must consider to monitor our surpluses, as they are approaching levels that we need to watch closely, and we must continue to keep a very watchful eye on spending.”
The mayor said, “Our operating budget continues to go up each and every year, and the overwhelming majority of this increase is directly attributable to health care, pension and legacy costs for employees.”
Noting that the city has 23 fewer employees than it had 18 months ago because of a retirement incentive, Tucker said any budget problem is “not a staffing issue, it’s a health care issue, and it must be addressed.”
On the positive side, Tucker touted the success of the privatized garbage and recycling program, which he said reduced refuse costs by $113,000 in its first three months, compared with the same period a year ago.
“This program is a savings machine,” he said, adding that total savings for 2012 “will likely exceed the projected savings of $428,000.”
City residents are recycling 22 percent of their trash, he said, and total waste generation, the sum of garbage and recycling, is down 12 percent from a year ago.
By Thomas J. Prohaska
LOCKPORT — Mayor Michael W. Tucker said during his State of the City message Tuesday that the city’s financial situation demands union concessions on the cost of health insurance.
“This year all five union contracts are up, and the health care issue will be on the table, will be the focus,” Tucker told a luncheon meeting of the Lockport Rotary Club in the Lockport Town and Country Club.
“We must find a common ground that is acceptable to both the unions and the taxpayers, and I am confident that we will,” he said. “I am asking the leadership of the city’s unions to reflect on the world today, and ask them to work with me to be reasonable and open to new ideas so we are not forced to look at the alternative.”
Tucker didn’t mention layoffs, but in a departure from his prepared text, he said, “We will do what we have to do.”
In a brief interview after the speech, Tucker, a former United Auto Workers official when he worked at Delphi, indicated that the city won’t start the bargaining from a position of hostility toward the unions.
“I have a good relationship with them. They have a good relationship with me,” the mayor said.
“We’re months away from sitting down at the table,” said Kevin Pratt, president of the Lockport Professional Fire Fighters Association. The union contracts don’t run out until Dec. 31, and Pratt vowed not to negotiate in the media.
“Negotiations are best served at the table. Mike Tucker and I have agreed on that for years,” Pratt said.
He added that the fire union and Tucker have a track record.
“It was the unions 10 years ago that brought significant savings on health care to the City of Lockport,” Pratt said. “[Former Mayor] Tom Sullivan rejected it for four years, and Mike Tucker did it within eight months of taking office. That saved the city $3 million in the first four years.”
Tucker said the city’s financial condition is good now, marked by the highest bond rating in Lockport history. But he said, “We must consider to monitor our surpluses, as they are approaching levels that we need to watch closely, and we must continue to keep a very watchful eye on spending.”
The mayor said, “Our operating budget continues to go up each and every year, and the overwhelming majority of this increase is directly attributable to health care, pension and legacy costs for employees.”
Noting that the city has 23 fewer employees than it had 18 months ago because of a retirement incentive, Tucker said any budget problem is “not a staffing issue, it’s a health care issue, and it must be addressed.”
On the positive side, Tucker touted the success of the privatized garbage and recycling program, which he said reduced refuse costs by $113,000 in its first three months, compared with the same period a year ago.
“This program is a savings machine,” he said, adding that total savings for 2012 “will likely exceed the projected savings of $428,000.”
City residents are recycling 22 percent of their trash, he said, and total waste generation, the sum of garbage and recycling, is down 12 percent from a year ago.
Tucker: 'Best days lie ahead'
Mayor gives State of the City speech
Joe Olenick Lockport Union-Sun &
Journal The Lockport Union-Sun %26 Journal
Wed Feb 08, 2012, 02:06 AM EST
LOCKPORT — The City of Lockport government is smaller than it was 18 months
ago but is in a stronger financial place, Mayor Michael W. Tucker said in his
annual State of the City address.
Speaking to the Lockport Rotary Club on Tuesday, Tucker said the city has been able to overcome challenges despite the economic situation the state finds itself in.
“It is not common to be as financially sound as we are and these things don’t happen just by luck,” Tucker said. “In our case, they’ve happened because of responsible planning by the Common Council and our department heads.”
The city will continue to keep a watchful eye on spending in 2012. That will be important, Tucker said, as national and state leadership will continue to shift a considerable amount of financial burden onto the backs of local governments. And tax increases must be avoided, the mayor said.
“We understand times are tough,” Tucker said. “And we are proud of the fact that the tax rate has decreased the last two years.”
He added Lockport is operating with 23 fewer employees than 18 months ago, the lowest staffing numbers in decades.
The operating budget’s increase is largely because of health care, pension and legacy costs for city employees. Tucker said city contracts with all five unions are up this year, negotiations will go on throughout the year.
Healthcare costs for the city will approach $6 million, Tucker said. And that will be the focus in contract talks.
“We must find a common ground that is acceptable to both the unions and taxpayers,” Tucker said. “And I am confident we will.”
The mayor did bring up some of the city’s accomplishments over the past year. First on the list was the curbside recycling and privatized garbage program.
“While it made for an interesting election, we stuck to our belief that this is what was best for the city,” Tucker said.
Overall garbage costs have been reduced by $113,000, compared to a year ago. Tucker said he expects the city to see more than the projected savings of $428,000 for 2012.
About 600 tons of recyclables have been collected, with city residents recycling about 22 percent of their average household waste. Citywide, total waste is down 12 percent, meaning 34 percent of the city’s garbage is not being sent to a landfill.
Tucker said a goal of his was to draw tourists to the city. He said 250,000 people came to Lockport in 2011 because of city attractions, and an economic report said a restored Flight of Five could draw as many as 230,000 people, so it will continue to be a priority.
Improving Lockport’s standing in tourism will continue to be a goal in 2012, the mayor said.
“Last month, I took information gathered from a meeting in the council chambers from all the tourism related business in our city and formed a tourism task force,” Tucker said.
The task force will take those ideas and form a tourism plan for the city.
Representatives for the National Trust for Historic Preservation visited Lockport in October.
“And they loved it,” Bob Hagen informed the rotary club members.
Going into 2012, Tucker said another goal is the Lockport Ice Rink Project. The long proposed arena would go into the old Jubilee building on Chestnut Street.
“Recent developments have given us reason to believe that this project will become reality and I am committed to making that happen,” Tucker said.
The city will continue on improving housing throughout the city and addressing housing code violations, the mayor said. Initiatives such as Lockport Canal Homes, the Historic Preservation Board’s historic district and the Main Street Program will help home and property owners as well as businesses succeed.
Tucker said the city must remain financially prudent while balancing the budget with delivery of services.
“I am confident that our best days lie ahead,” Tucker said.
Really Mike? We're in sound fiscal shape? If sound fiscal shape means spending all your savings and using your credit cards to pay the bills, then yes, I guess we are!
Oh, and by the way Mike, I don't care about the 'tax rate', I care about my tax bill and user fees. You can lower the rate all you want, but if at the end of the day I'm spending more for my services, then guess what, you've increased my taxes!
Here's a little tip for you Mike- 'If you planning on negotiating with the City's 5 unions and you really want to get some concessions, you probably shouldn't say that the City is in great financial shape'. Oh, that's right, he still has to pay the Police and Fire unions back for their endorsements, he doesn't really want concessions, he doesn't care about you!
Speaking to the Lockport Rotary Club on Tuesday, Tucker said the city has been able to overcome challenges despite the economic situation the state finds itself in.
“It is not common to be as financially sound as we are and these things don’t happen just by luck,” Tucker said. “In our case, they’ve happened because of responsible planning by the Common Council and our department heads.”
The city will continue to keep a watchful eye on spending in 2012. That will be important, Tucker said, as national and state leadership will continue to shift a considerable amount of financial burden onto the backs of local governments. And tax increases must be avoided, the mayor said.
“We understand times are tough,” Tucker said. “And we are proud of the fact that the tax rate has decreased the last two years.”
He added Lockport is operating with 23 fewer employees than 18 months ago, the lowest staffing numbers in decades.
The operating budget’s increase is largely because of health care, pension and legacy costs for city employees. Tucker said city contracts with all five unions are up this year, negotiations will go on throughout the year.
Healthcare costs for the city will approach $6 million, Tucker said. And that will be the focus in contract talks.
“We must find a common ground that is acceptable to both the unions and taxpayers,” Tucker said. “And I am confident we will.”
The mayor did bring up some of the city’s accomplishments over the past year. First on the list was the curbside recycling and privatized garbage program.
“While it made for an interesting election, we stuck to our belief that this is what was best for the city,” Tucker said.
Overall garbage costs have been reduced by $113,000, compared to a year ago. Tucker said he expects the city to see more than the projected savings of $428,000 for 2012.
About 600 tons of recyclables have been collected, with city residents recycling about 22 percent of their average household waste. Citywide, total waste is down 12 percent, meaning 34 percent of the city’s garbage is not being sent to a landfill.
Tucker said a goal of his was to draw tourists to the city. He said 250,000 people came to Lockport in 2011 because of city attractions, and an economic report said a restored Flight of Five could draw as many as 230,000 people, so it will continue to be a priority.
Improving Lockport’s standing in tourism will continue to be a goal in 2012, the mayor said.
“Last month, I took information gathered from a meeting in the council chambers from all the tourism related business in our city and formed a tourism task force,” Tucker said.
The task force will take those ideas and form a tourism plan for the city.
Representatives for the National Trust for Historic Preservation visited Lockport in October.
“And they loved it,” Bob Hagen informed the rotary club members.
Going into 2012, Tucker said another goal is the Lockport Ice Rink Project. The long proposed arena would go into the old Jubilee building on Chestnut Street.
“Recent developments have given us reason to believe that this project will become reality and I am committed to making that happen,” Tucker said.
The city will continue on improving housing throughout the city and addressing housing code violations, the mayor said. Initiatives such as Lockport Canal Homes, the Historic Preservation Board’s historic district and the Main Street Program will help home and property owners as well as businesses succeed.
Tucker said the city must remain financially prudent while balancing the budget with delivery of services.
“I am confident that our best days lie ahead,” Tucker said.
Really Mike? We're in sound fiscal shape? If sound fiscal shape means spending all your savings and using your credit cards to pay the bills, then yes, I guess we are!
Oh, and by the way Mike, I don't care about the 'tax rate', I care about my tax bill and user fees. You can lower the rate all you want, but if at the end of the day I'm spending more for my services, then guess what, you've increased my taxes!
Here's a little tip for you Mike- 'If you planning on negotiating with the City's 5 unions and you really want to get some concessions, you probably shouldn't say that the City is in great financial shape'. Oh, that's right, he still has to pay the Police and Fire unions back for their endorsements, he doesn't really want concessions, he doesn't care about you!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Political Favor Cost City Taxpayers
Council offers extra pay to settle police grievance
LOCKPORT—The Common Council agreed Wednesday to settle a grievance filed by the police union by paying officers extra if they are assigned to dispatching duties.
The Hickory Club Police Benevolent Association, which is to vote on the settlement next week, filed the grievance in 2010, after the city moved Fire Department dispatching chores to the police desk.
Mayor Michael W. Tucker said there is no retroactive pay for past dispatching work, but the shift differentials for the dispatchers, which won’t be disclosed until the union votes, will cost the city less than $50,000 a year going forward.
“It’s pretty safe to say we would have paid more than that in arbitration,” Tucker said, adding that a state arbitrator urged the sides to come to a deal after hearing their arguments.
As you can see in the above Buffalo News article, now that the Mayor has his "roll over and play dead Common Council", we can expect the Mayor to make more union concessions like the one in this article. When it comes time to negotiate union contracts this year, we as taxpayers are going to lose. The unions will win and the area Political leaders will win. Remember, just before the election this past November, the unions endorsed Tucker over Pillot. Tucker knew the race was going to be close, he needed every vote he could get, now he has to pay the unions back for that endorsemnet. Oh, but wait, he's not really gonna pay is he?, we will!
Just in case you forgot, back in August of 2010, the Police Chief told that sitting Council that dispatch could be done at no additional cost.(
Also, just in case you may have forgotten, previously the Hickory Club was only seeking about $30,000.00 in additional compensation for performing their job duties, but that was pre-endorsement!
LOCKPORT—The Common Council agreed Wednesday to settle a grievance filed by the police union by paying officers extra if they are assigned to dispatching duties.
The Hickory Club Police Benevolent Association, which is to vote on the settlement next week, filed the grievance in 2010, after the city moved Fire Department dispatching chores to the police desk.
Mayor Michael W. Tucker said there is no retroactive pay for past dispatching work, but the shift differentials for the dispatchers, which won’t be disclosed until the union votes, will cost the city less than $50,000 a year going forward.
“It’s pretty safe to say we would have paid more than that in arbitration,” Tucker said, adding that a state arbitrator urged the sides to come to a deal after hearing their arguments.
As you can see in the above Buffalo News article, now that the Mayor has his "roll over and play dead Common Council", we can expect the Mayor to make more union concessions like the one in this article. When it comes time to negotiate union contracts this year, we as taxpayers are going to lose. The unions will win and the area Political leaders will win. Remember, just before the election this past November, the unions endorsed Tucker over Pillot. Tucker knew the race was going to be close, he needed every vote he could get, now he has to pay the unions back for that endorsemnet. Oh, but wait, he's not really gonna pay is he?, we will!
Just in case you forgot, back in August of 2010, the Police Chief told that sitting Council that dispatch could be done at no additional cost.(
Also, just in case you may have forgotten, previously the Hickory Club was only seeking about $30,000.00 in additional compensation for performing their job duties, but that was pre-endorsement!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Tire Fire Reveals Substandard City Services
Firefighters finish job in Lockport tire blaze
By Thomas J. Prohaska
LOCKPORT — Firefighters disconnected the last yellow hose that snaked from a hydrant and into a Lockport recycling plant at about 11 a. m. Saturday, where a tire fire had burned since Friday afternoon.
The blaze at Liberty Tire Recycling, 490 Ohio St., started at about 2:15 p. m. Friday. It sent a mass of black smoke drifting east across the city that could be seen at least 10 miles away. After nightfall Friday, smoke could still be seen in the headlights of traffic on South Transit Street, Route 78, near the center of the city, and the smell was pervasive downwind of the fire in the city’s west end.
Liberty Tire is in an industrial zone that is also near homes, including a residential neighborhood on Stevens Street. There were no evacuations, but residents were advised to stay inside and not open their windows.
Ohio Street and other nearby roads remained closed Saturday, but authorities were not vigilant, and residents and workers easily navigated around the orange blockades.
Mayor Michael W. Tucker said the fire was the result of a broken electrical line that fell on a pile of tires.
“I think the fire or heat raced through that wire and overheated it. That caused the transmission line to break and fall on the tires. It was bad luck, but at the same time, those tires shouldn’t have been there,” Tucker said.
The mayor said he thought the city may have a building code violation case to pursue against the company.
“It’s another example of why we need the [U. S.] Environmental Protection Agency and [New York State] Department of Environmental Conservation doing inspections on a regular basis at even some of the smaller facilities,” said Erin Heaney, executive director of the Clean Air Coalition of Western New York. “I think this also shows the continued need for the DEC to be able to do air monitoring when there are accidents at facilities that could threaten public health.”
Derek Martin, who said he was the property owner but not the plant’s operator, declined to speak to The Buffalo News or allow access to fire officials at the scene.
Martin invited residents or workers from the neighborhood to contact him directly about health or safety concerns from the fire or any violations that may have occurred on his property.
A spokesman for the corporate office of Liberty Tire Recycling, in Pittsburgh, also declined to comment.
News Staff Reporters Tim Graham and Mark Sommer contributed to this report.
Sooty silver lining after tire fire
By Jim Krencik
Lockport Union-Sun & Journal
Firefighters were able to extinguish a large pile of burning rubber tires on Lockport’s west end after an all-night battle Saturday morning, but the cleanup has just begun at the site and at local homes sullied by soot.
The fire, contained to an open area at Liberty Tire Recycling, 490 Ohio St., spewed heat and thick black smoke over the city for hours before firefighters, with the help of Liberty’s heavy equipment, picked apart and extinguished the burning material piece-by-piece. Fire department personnel were still on the scene Saturday evening to prevent a re-ignition at the facility.
“Rubber requires copious amounts of water ... it just won’t go out,” Lockport Fire Department Capt. Patrick Brady said. “It’s been a long, laborious process.”
According to LFD Assistant Chief Joe Morello, the tire fire began between 2 and 2:30 p.m. Friday when a live industrial power line fell on the pile of rubber after partially melting following a short circuit.
An initial fire in a building at the facility was put out swiftly using carbon dioxide extinguishers. Tackling the tire fire was much harder. Morello said LFD and responders from the South Lockport Fire Co. and Rapids Fire Co. were slowed by a water supply problem that required running as much as 2,000 feet of hose from nearby hydrants to the fire.
“We wouldn’t have been able to make the connections without the volunteer fire companies’ hoses,” Morello said.
Members of the platoon that was on duty Friday afternoon and around 25 more firefighters called in to the fire cycled between the site and the fire station throughout the evening and morning. The fire was officially declared over around noon.
Morello said no department equipment was heavily damaged in the fire response, aside from being coated with greasy soot. Engine No. 7, the department’s newest truck, did have to be towed away from the site Saturday, but that was due to an engine issue.
The fire did not spread from the pile of tires, but the plume of smoke over the city left soot across the area. In the northeast end of the city, retired street supervisor Dennis Brockman found that a cement deck in the backyard of his home was covered in oily soot after his white dogs came back into the house blackened after they were let out Saturday morning.
Mayor Mike Tucker said Saturday that with air quality tests taken during the fire revealing no dangers to residents, his concern has turned to the cleanup.
“The concern now is that people are waking up to find their houses and cars are covered in soot,” said Tucker, who has been recommending that residents hose down the sooty structures. “I think the company is liable.”
Tucker said the city intends to meet with representatives from Liberty this week to discuss their business, the fire and the need for the company to be in better compliance with city regulations. He added the company has always promptly responded to city concerns in the past.
“We’re going to investigate,” Tucker said. “We’re concerned by the fact that it’s the second fire since September ... it’s what the residents expect of us and it’s what we’ll do.”
The Sept. 7 fire gutted a building at the site, causing an estimated $2 million to $3 million in damage. The Lockport Police Department has not yet issued a report on this weekend’s fire, but heavy damaged was visible at the site.
— additional reporting by Stephen M. Wallace.
A couple things stood out in the reports published in the above articles. First off, in the Buffalo News article, the Mayor explains how the fire began- apparently he is now a qualified fire investigator. Also, in the same article, the Mayor indicates that the tires that caught fire were in the wrong location and that the City may be pursuing some building code violations. Hey, maybe it's just me but if there was a fire in September of 2011 shouldn't the City pay a little more attention to see that there is no recurrence of a similar incident, but they didn't and so now according to the US&J “We’re going to investigate,” Tucker said. “We’re concerned by the fact that it’s the second fire since September ... it’s what the residents expect of us and it’s what we’ll do.” No, actually Mike, we expect you to be proactive and not reactive, duh!
What you don't read about in the newspaper accounts and what really needs to be talked about, is the fact that there was over an hour delay before area volunteers were called to assist. I wonder why? According to reports from several sources around the City, apparently the delay occurred because the City's Firefighter Union require that all union members be called to a scene before asking for mutual aid. Just remember that when there is a large scale emergency where several lives are at risk and one of them may be your own!
Don't get me started on the classless thanks given to the Vols for their fire hoses.
As a side note, can anyone explain the headline in the US&J? Where exactly is the "silver lining" in all this?
By Thomas J. Prohaska
News Niagara Reporter
The blaze at Liberty Tire Recycling, 490 Ohio St., started at about 2:15 p. m. Friday. It sent a mass of black smoke drifting east across the city that could be seen at least 10 miles away. After nightfall Friday, smoke could still be seen in the headlights of traffic on South Transit Street, Route 78, near the center of the city, and the smell was pervasive downwind of the fire in the city’s west end.
Liberty Tire is in an industrial zone that is also near homes, including a residential neighborhood on Stevens Street. There were no evacuations, but residents were advised to stay inside and not open their windows.
Ohio Street and other nearby roads remained closed Saturday, but authorities were not vigilant, and residents and workers easily navigated around the orange blockades.
Mayor Michael W. Tucker said the fire was the result of a broken electrical line that fell on a pile of tires.
“I think the fire or heat raced through that wire and overheated it. That caused the transmission line to break and fall on the tires. It was bad luck, but at the same time, those tires shouldn’t have been there,” Tucker said.
The mayor said he thought the city may have a building code violation case to pursue against the company.
“It’s another example of why we need the [U. S.] Environmental Protection Agency and [New York State] Department of Environmental Conservation doing inspections on a regular basis at even some of the smaller facilities,” said Erin Heaney, executive director of the Clean Air Coalition of Western New York. “I think this also shows the continued need for the DEC to be able to do air monitoring when there are accidents at facilities that could threaten public health.”
Derek Martin, who said he was the property owner but not the plant’s operator, declined to speak to The Buffalo News or allow access to fire officials at the scene.
Martin invited residents or workers from the neighborhood to contact him directly about health or safety concerns from the fire or any violations that may have occurred on his property.
A spokesman for the corporate office of Liberty Tire Recycling, in Pittsburgh, also declined to comment.
News Staff Reporters Tim Graham and Mark Sommer contributed to this report.
Sooty silver lining after tire fire
By Jim Krencik
Lockport Union-Sun & Journal
Firefighters were able to extinguish a large pile of burning rubber tires on Lockport’s west end after an all-night battle Saturday morning, but the cleanup has just begun at the site and at local homes sullied by soot.
The fire, contained to an open area at Liberty Tire Recycling, 490 Ohio St., spewed heat and thick black smoke over the city for hours before firefighters, with the help of Liberty’s heavy equipment, picked apart and extinguished the burning material piece-by-piece. Fire department personnel were still on the scene Saturday evening to prevent a re-ignition at the facility.
“Rubber requires copious amounts of water ... it just won’t go out,” Lockport Fire Department Capt. Patrick Brady said. “It’s been a long, laborious process.”
According to LFD Assistant Chief Joe Morello, the tire fire began between 2 and 2:30 p.m. Friday when a live industrial power line fell on the pile of rubber after partially melting following a short circuit.
An initial fire in a building at the facility was put out swiftly using carbon dioxide extinguishers. Tackling the tire fire was much harder. Morello said LFD and responders from the South Lockport Fire Co. and Rapids Fire Co. were slowed by a water supply problem that required running as much as 2,000 feet of hose from nearby hydrants to the fire.
“We wouldn’t have been able to make the connections without the volunteer fire companies’ hoses,” Morello said.
Members of the platoon that was on duty Friday afternoon and around 25 more firefighters called in to the fire cycled between the site and the fire station throughout the evening and morning. The fire was officially declared over around noon.
Morello said no department equipment was heavily damaged in the fire response, aside from being coated with greasy soot. Engine No. 7, the department’s newest truck, did have to be towed away from the site Saturday, but that was due to an engine issue.
The fire did not spread from the pile of tires, but the plume of smoke over the city left soot across the area. In the northeast end of the city, retired street supervisor Dennis Brockman found that a cement deck in the backyard of his home was covered in oily soot after his white dogs came back into the house blackened after they were let out Saturday morning.
Mayor Mike Tucker said Saturday that with air quality tests taken during the fire revealing no dangers to residents, his concern has turned to the cleanup.
“The concern now is that people are waking up to find their houses and cars are covered in soot,” said Tucker, who has been recommending that residents hose down the sooty structures. “I think the company is liable.”
Tucker said the city intends to meet with representatives from Liberty this week to discuss their business, the fire and the need for the company to be in better compliance with city regulations. He added the company has always promptly responded to city concerns in the past.
“We’re going to investigate,” Tucker said. “We’re concerned by the fact that it’s the second fire since September ... it’s what the residents expect of us and it’s what we’ll do.”
The Sept. 7 fire gutted a building at the site, causing an estimated $2 million to $3 million in damage. The Lockport Police Department has not yet issued a report on this weekend’s fire, but heavy damaged was visible at the site.
— additional reporting by Stephen M. Wallace.
A couple things stood out in the reports published in the above articles. First off, in the Buffalo News article, the Mayor explains how the fire began- apparently he is now a qualified fire investigator. Also, in the same article, the Mayor indicates that the tires that caught fire were in the wrong location and that the City may be pursuing some building code violations. Hey, maybe it's just me but if there was a fire in September of 2011 shouldn't the City pay a little more attention to see that there is no recurrence of a similar incident, but they didn't and so now according to the US&J “We’re going to investigate,” Tucker said. “We’re concerned by the fact that it’s the second fire since September ... it’s what the residents expect of us and it’s what we’ll do.” No, actually Mike, we expect you to be proactive and not reactive, duh!
What you don't read about in the newspaper accounts and what really needs to be talked about, is the fact that there was over an hour delay before area volunteers were called to assist. I wonder why? According to reports from several sources around the City, apparently the delay occurred because the City's Firefighter Union require that all union members be called to a scene before asking for mutual aid. Just remember that when there is a large scale emergency where several lives are at risk and one of them may be your own!
Don't get me started on the classless thanks given to the Vols for their fire hoses.
As a side note, can anyone explain the headline in the US&J? Where exactly is the "silver lining" in all this?
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!
Failure to receive summons delays Housing Court case
LOCKPORT—The owner of the partially collapsed Peters Dry Cleaning store was scheduled for a Housing Court arraignment on building code violation charges Thursday, but he said he didn’t go because he hadn’t been served with a summons.
Chief Building Inspector Jason Dool told Judge Thomas M. DiMillo that he had sent notice to store owner Patrick McFall, but DiMillo said there was no such letter in the court file and adjourned the case for a week.
McFall said in a phone interview that he was not served even though his new store is less than a block from City Hall. “I’m not going if I’m not served,” he said. “This is just part of the city’s campaign to harass me.”
One wing of his former store on Willow Street caved in Dec. 15. Since then, McFall and the city have been arguing over possible demolition. Deputy Corporation Counsel Matthew E. Brooks said the city filed a notice Thursday seeking a court hearing on “the safety of what remains.”
According to this Buffalo News article and several reports from witnesses of the the proceedings, the City's Chief Building Inspector, Jason Dool, lied to the Judge during a housing court hearing! Makes you wonder, if he is willing to lie to a Judge, who else would he lie to and/or what reports might he falsify? At the very least, Mr. Dool should be found in contempt of court, I would prefer to see him let go for violating the public trust! Don't hold your breath on any action being taken by the City though, heads will turn the other way, just as they did for Pat Schrader.
As a side observation, conspicuously absent was any type of report or coverage by the Lockport Union Sun & Journal. But we're not really surprised by that, are we?
LOCKPORT—The owner of the partially collapsed Peters Dry Cleaning store was scheduled for a Housing Court arraignment on building code violation charges Thursday, but he said he didn’t go because he hadn’t been served with a summons.
Chief Building Inspector Jason Dool told Judge Thomas M. DiMillo that he had sent notice to store owner Patrick McFall, but DiMillo said there was no such letter in the court file and adjourned the case for a week.
McFall said in a phone interview that he was not served even though his new store is less than a block from City Hall. “I’m not going if I’m not served,” he said. “This is just part of the city’s campaign to harass me.”
One wing of his former store on Willow Street caved in Dec. 15. Since then, McFall and the city have been arguing over possible demolition. Deputy Corporation Counsel Matthew E. Brooks said the city filed a notice Thursday seeking a court hearing on “the safety of what remains.”
According to this Buffalo News article and several reports from witnesses of the the proceedings, the City's Chief Building Inspector, Jason Dool, lied to the Judge during a housing court hearing! Makes you wonder, if he is willing to lie to a Judge, who else would he lie to and/or what reports might he falsify? At the very least, Mr. Dool should be found in contempt of court, I would prefer to see him let go for violating the public trust! Don't hold your breath on any action being taken by the City though, heads will turn the other way, just as they did for Pat Schrader.
As a side observation, conspicuously absent was any type of report or coverage by the Lockport Union Sun & Journal. But we're not really surprised by that, are we?
Monday, January 23, 2012
How Not To 'Woo' Business In Lockport
‘Disregard’ spurs Hicks to pull offer for 51 Canal
By Thomas J. Prohaska
LOCKPORT — A clothing store has withdrawn its offer to buy a building at 51 Canal St. because its owner didn’t feel the city was really interested in him.
Lindsey Hicks, of Picasso Moon, who wanted to relocate his business from Main Street, said last week he might end up in Buffalo.
His was the clothing business city officials previously said wanted 51 Canal St.
A recreational sales business wants to buy both 51 and 79-81 Canal St., while a third contender, a gift and decor shop interested only in 79-81 Canal, seems to have receded in the city’s view.
R. Charles Bell, city director of planning and development, said the recreational sales business may feature seasonal activity offerings of potential tourist interest, such as rentals of bicycles and other sporting goods.
However, he said, the deal isn’t ready for the board of the city’s development corporation to vote on yet, though that could change by meeting time Thursday.
Bell denied that the Greater Lockport Development Corp. was slighting Hicks.
He said the corporation, which owns the vacant commercial buildings on Canal Street, took Hicks’ proposal “very seriously.”
Bell said, “The group liked him. They liked his energy, the fact he would have lived on-site [51 Canal contains a vacant apartment], his business sense, his business savvy.”
But Hicks said he withdrew his bid Jan. 5 because even though he expressed interest six weeks before in the recreational sales business, the city was more interested in the latter.
“Coupled with the GLDC’s track record of disregard for previous local businesses that had interest before me, we felt exactly what is happening would happen, and on Jan. 5, I called to retract my bid with Mr. Bell. Since then we have been looking at other spaces to move to,” Hicks wrote in an email to The Buffalo News.
In an interview, Hicks added, “I would leave voice mails for Mr. Bell, and he wouldn’t return my calls.”
“I did get the sense he was frustrated,” Bell said. He thought Hicks needed faster action than the GLDC could offer because he needs to move.
Hicks, who bought the business a little over a year ago, said Picasso Moon is subleasing from a neighboring business, Just Lookin’, and the lease is up soon. Picasso Moon, which started in the Lockport Mall in 1994, has been on Main Street since 2004.
“Basically, I was willing to buy the building ‘as is,’ pay for everything to finish it and move an 18-year-old established business that is open seven days a week, year-round, to be a cornerstone on that block to attract more business, create jobs and give citizens a reason to go down that street every day, which we haven’t had in 20-plus years,” Hicks said. “I could only be strung along for so long.”
In typical Lockport Economic Developement and GLDC fashion, we are poised to lose another business in the City. Let's face it, if you don't fit the magic mould, you're not wanted. That would be understandable if anyone could figure out exactly what that mould looks like, unfortunately, even the GLDC and the City don't know what they want. So, it is no surprise that when presented with multiple offers simultaneously, they can't pull the trigger and get the deal done. Can anyone say "dysfunctional"?
By Thomas J. Prohaska
News Niagara Reporter
Lindsey Hicks, of Picasso Moon, who wanted to relocate his business from Main Street, said last week he might end up in Buffalo.
His was the clothing business city officials previously said wanted 51 Canal St.
A recreational sales business wants to buy both 51 and 79-81 Canal St., while a third contender, a gift and decor shop interested only in 79-81 Canal, seems to have receded in the city’s view.
R. Charles Bell, city director of planning and development, said the recreational sales business may feature seasonal activity offerings of potential tourist interest, such as rentals of bicycles and other sporting goods.
However, he said, the deal isn’t ready for the board of the city’s development corporation to vote on yet, though that could change by meeting time Thursday.
Bell denied that the Greater Lockport Development Corp. was slighting Hicks.
He said the corporation, which owns the vacant commercial buildings on Canal Street, took Hicks’ proposal “very seriously.”
Bell said, “The group liked him. They liked his energy, the fact he would have lived on-site [51 Canal contains a vacant apartment], his business sense, his business savvy.”
But Hicks said he withdrew his bid Jan. 5 because even though he expressed interest six weeks before in the recreational sales business, the city was more interested in the latter.
“Coupled with the GLDC’s track record of disregard for previous local businesses that had interest before me, we felt exactly what is happening would happen, and on Jan. 5, I called to retract my bid with Mr. Bell. Since then we have been looking at other spaces to move to,” Hicks wrote in an email to The Buffalo News.
In an interview, Hicks added, “I would leave voice mails for Mr. Bell, and he wouldn’t return my calls.”
“I did get the sense he was frustrated,” Bell said. He thought Hicks needed faster action than the GLDC could offer because he needs to move.
Hicks, who bought the business a little over a year ago, said Picasso Moon is subleasing from a neighboring business, Just Lookin’, and the lease is up soon. Picasso Moon, which started in the Lockport Mall in 1994, has been on Main Street since 2004.
“Basically, I was willing to buy the building ‘as is,’ pay for everything to finish it and move an 18-year-old established business that is open seven days a week, year-round, to be a cornerstone on that block to attract more business, create jobs and give citizens a reason to go down that street every day, which we haven’t had in 20-plus years,” Hicks said. “I could only be strung along for so long.”
In typical Lockport Economic Developement and GLDC fashion, we are poised to lose another business in the City. Let's face it, if you don't fit the magic mould, you're not wanted. That would be understandable if anyone could figure out exactly what that mould looks like, unfortunately, even the GLDC and the City don't know what they want. So, it is no surprise that when presented with multiple offers simultaneously, they can't pull the trigger and get the deal done. Can anyone say "dysfunctional"?
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Why the Packet Boat Sunk in Lockport
Doubting that ‘universe wants this to happen’
Civic leaders in Lockport look askance at plan to build canalboat replica
By Thomas J. Prohaska
News Niagara Reporter
Civic leaders also questioned whether they were getting what they thought they were from Weekes, who also has proposed a sports museum for the Buffalo waterfront.
Weekes said he has talked with a Lockport business that may make some space available to him for completion of the boat.
“It’s a shame I can’t find a place and the support I need, but I’m not giving up. The universe wants this to happen,” Weekes said.
Weekes tried to get the Dale Association, a nonprofit human services agency, to pay some utility bills incurred in the course of his project, according to Maureen A. Wendt, its director of development.
“There were bills that were being forwarded to the Dale Association that were not part of the original agreement,” Wendt said last week.
Linda L. Van Buskirk, executive director of the Dale Association, said that there were unpaid bills totaling about $1,500 for installation of lights and fixtures and a furnace inspection.
Weekes said the association’s facilities manager had a local contractor install $450 worth of lights inside the former Sir Billiards on Lock Street, now owned by the association. The work was done without his knowledge, he said, but he hadn’t planned on paying utility bills for the site.
“I was laying out a substantial amount of money for materials and couldn’t afford to take on utilities,” said Weekes, whose “Pride of the Erie Canal” boat was budgeted at $40,000.
Van Buskirk said the electrical work was done on the assumption that the Dale Association wouldn’t have to pay for it.
“As a not-for-profit organization, we need to stick as close to our mission statement as possible,” Wendt said. “It’s one thing to do
something good for the community. It’s another thing to incur expenses we simply can’t afford.”
Weekes has lost his support from the city’s tourism powers and from City Hall.
“We’re not interested in being involved in that project,” Mayor Michael W. Tucker said.
“I didn’t want [the Dale Association] to get hurt,” said Douglas V. Farley, director of the Erie Canal Discovery Center. “We feel partly responsible because we brought [Weekes] to the attention of the community.”
The replica boat was supposed to offer rides to tourists and be available for educational and tourism programs in Lockport for part of the year.
“When the bills came into the Dale Association, I forwarded them to Doug Farley, under the impression there was an arrangement between Mr. Weekes and Doug Farley to pay the bills,” Van Buskirk said.
It turned out that there was no such arrangement.
Weekes said that only three days of work had been done on the boat, which was no more than 10 percent complete.
He said Van Buskirk told him to remove it as soon as possible, cutting the hull up if needed to get it through the door.
Van Buskirk confirmed, “I suggested one of the ways he could do it was to take apart what he had already built.”
“In early December, some red flags went up,” said Jay C. Krull, a tourism promoter who was going to help market the boat. The cost of the boat had doubled from the original $20,000, and the size of the boat was being slightly reduced from 36-by-12 feet to 32-by-10.
Weekes said that was because the building had only a 10-foot ceiling. He said he was expecting the Dale Association to install a garage door so he could extricate the finished craft.
Van Buskirk said an overhead door is on tap for this spring. “It wasn’t for him,” she said. The association wants the door “so we can put our vehicles there and use it for more expanded storage.”
It was just a useful coincidence that the planned door installation was to occur at about the same time Weekes wanted to have his boat finished, she said.
The reduction in the boat’s size worried Krull, who had helped line up the use of the former billiard hall by Weekes.
“We were concerned about whether the boat would be historically accurate,” Krull said.
“The scale . . . would mean nothing to anyone who would enjoy it,” Weekes said.
Krull said, “Everything changed. We very succinctly put three pages of questions down and he wouldn’t answer them.”
He grew suspicious of Weekes’ claims to be an experienced boat builder and asked for photos of the three replica boats that Weekes said he had built. However, he received only stock photos from a catalog.
Weekes said he doesn’t have photos of the boats he has built. “I saw no need to document it,” he said.
“Come on. Who builds a boat and doesn’t take a picture of it?” Krull said.
Rick Heenan, a seasonal worker at the Erie Canal Discovery Center and the city visitor center, volunteered to work on the boat and vouched for Weekes’ skill.
“The gentleman’s an engineer. We got two-thirds of the bottom of the boat built in two days,” Heenan said.
Krull said his research turned up evidence of Weekes’ participation in only one boat.
“We found a picture of a boat he might have helped build. It was probably a 10-or 12-foot dory sitting on the side of the Buffalo River, upside down, dilapidated,” Krull said.
Weekes said that boat was thrown together with limited lumber for a contest and doesn’t reflect his full ability.
Van Buskirk said, “I don’t have any anger at anyone. Out of enthusiasm about the project, everything didn’t get nailed down as firmly as it should have been.”
Weekes said, “The title of this story should be ‘The Boat That Got Built Despite the Community That Was Supposed to Host It.’ ”
Packet boat supporters jump ship
Joyce Miles Lockport Union-Sun &
Journal The Lockport Union-Sun %26 Journal
Fri Jan 20, 2012, 01:12 AM EST
LOCKPORT — A Buffalo man’s plan to build and launch the Pride of the Erie
Canal in Lockport is sinking.
Management of the Dale Association, which agreed to loan dormant warehouse space to packet boat builder Michael R. Weeks for six months, recently informed Weekes he must vacate the Lock Street space immediately.
Dale Association Director Linda Van Buskirk’s vacate deadline, today, will come and go with Weekes pondering how to get his 800-pound work-in-progress — it’s the base of the hull — out of the Dale property.
He says he can’t, in one piece anyway, and he hinted earlier this week that until he finds another place to build or at least store the hull, he’s not inclined to go anywhere.
Local support for Weekes’ project, announced with fanfare less than two months ago at the Erie Canal Discovery Center, has evaporated. Weekes’ primary backers — ECDC’s Doug Farley, community event organizer Jay Krull and Van Buskirk — are cutting ties with him after the Dale Association received bills for warehouse improvements and Weekes refused to pay them.
“I wish Mr. Weekes success with his endeavor, but I made the decision to ask him to leave (the Dale warehouse) because the deal has gotten murky. I felt it best not to continue on and incur any more expenses,” Van Buskirk said. “We don’t exist to support boat building; that’s not how we should be spending our money.”
The Dale Association, a not-for-profit senior citizens/human services organization, has been handed bills adding up to $1,500, for electric and heating work inside the warehouse and fuel charges incurred since early December.
According to all parties, Van Buskirk OK’d Weekes’ free, temporary use of the old Sir Billiards pool hall to build a 36-by-12-by-9-foot replica packet boat. The unimproved space was to be the Dale’s contribution to what was billed as a community history and tourism-building project.
In exchange for aiding Weekes as he built the packet boat, it was said at a Nov. 29 press conference announcing the project, the community would have occasional access to the boat, while it was being built and later at canal-linked festivals and special events. At the time, Weekes identified himself as a self-employed business improvement consultant. He said Lockport would be the Pride’s home base, meaning the city’s name would be emblazoned on the back end as he piloted it along the Erie Canal in summer. He also said the boat would be his personal property, since he was funding the $40,000 construction project completely out of his pocket, but he’d gladly “share” it with the community that helped him build it.
Weekes began boat construction at the Dale warehouse around Dec. 10.
Local support for his endeavor starting waning soon after, when the Dale received a $425 bill from one of its electric contractors, for electric work and installation of new lights in the warehouse. Weekes was shown the bill and he refused to pay it.
Weekes told the US&J that he couldn’t afford to, because at the time he was unemployed and “spending thousands of dollars a week on lumber and materials.” Then he said he thought his backers had offered to pick up any heat and electric expenses he incurred at the Dale, by fundraising; that after he, Farley and Krull drafted a budget of $2,500 for utility costs, Krull specifically agreed to obtain sponsorships and donations for that amount.
Krull said that was not their agreement. The men came up with a $2,500 budget estimate to cover miscellaneous costs, mostly expenses tied to marketing of events involving the boat and non-profit organizations. Along the way, Krull said, they estimated utility spending of about $500 at the Dale warehouse — and came up with a plan to try getting the work done for less that Weekes ignored.
Krull said he proposed asking a city building inspector to look over the warehouse and determine if Krull could do the work — mostly putting up new lights — and still keep the warehouse code-compliant; or in the alternative, obtain a discount from a certified contractor. Before a city inspection could be obtained, Krull said, Weekes went ahead and commissioned the Dale contractor on his own, based on a reference from the Dale facilities manager.
Krull, who had recruited Van Buskirk and the Dale to the project, said he had an uneasy feeling about Weekes after the first bill episode. The Dale received additional bills, for building supplies, HVAC work and locksmith service at the warehouse, the total well exceeding the $500 estimate that Weekes had helped draft, Krull said. Meanwhile, Weekes resisted entering a written agreement with his backers specifying who’d do or be responsible for what; and clearly defining Weekes’ intent to “share” the finished boat with Lockport.
How many days or weeks would Pride be in Lockport this summer? Would people be able to board and/or ride it? Would the boat be historically accurate? Why did the boat size decrease, and the cost estimate increase, as Weekes talked more about his plans? How much boat-building experience did Weekes have, anyway, and why couldn’t he show photographs of the three boats he said he’d built previously? Why didn’t he have a construction budget or documentation he possessed the means to pay for construction?
Weekes wouldn’t answer the questions definitively, orally or in writing, Krull said.
To the questions of public access, Weekes said he agreed verbally to make Pride available for public viewing 45 days this summer, for events, weekends and extended docking near ECDC, and he’d produce “passes” allowing up to 12 “guests” at a time to come aboard free of charge, but would not do formal tours because state regulators get involved in that.
Beyond the 2012 navigating season, Weekes told Farley and Krull that he’d agree to a three-year contract with ECDC and other parties, on the condition the parties find — and fund — storage space for his boat during the off season.
Earlier this month, after Weekes failed to answer Krull’s written questions about his background and intentions, Krull told Farley and Van Buskirk that he was stepping down from the partnership. Farley and Van Buskirk soon followed suit — and Weekes got notice to vacate the Dale warehouse by Jan. 30. Van Buskirk raised the deadline to today — and warned she’d have him locked out of the warehouse if he doesn’t go — after Weekes tried badgering her to reconsider, according to Krull.
“We’ve become very concerned about the direction of this, because we have no guarantees; he could let this community build a boat for him ... then sail the Erie Canal into the sunset and we’d never see him again,” Krull said. “There were a lot of discrepancies in Mr. Weekes’ commitment, in what he was going to provide in return for our support. There were just a lot of strange things and (Weekes) wouldn’t clear them up.”
Weekes said he thinks Krull soured on him for competitive reasons, including his dismissal of Krull’s offer to try doing the Dale electric work himself. He claims he’s a victim of broken promises now.
“I had an offer to build (Pride) in Buffalo, in leased space. The reason I’m here is I thought I had fundraising help,” he said. “I was sold the idea that I’d have a place to build this boat ... now here we are.”
Weekes — who says he landed a new job as an executive with Upstate New York Transplant Services last month — insists he can’t remove the unfinished hull from Dale property in one piece, and cutting into pieces would ruin it. He asserted one of his backers’ unmet “promises” was to install an overhead door before he finished building the boat, so he could tow it out whole.
Van Buskirk said she did not promise Weekes a door. The Dale Association already had plans to install an overhead door this spring, in order to use the warehouse for covered vehicle storage. Meanwhile, Weekes’ construction timeline called for a mid-May boat launch.
“By the time the boat was built, it would have been close to the time the board planned to install the overhead door, so I saw no conflict in timing the door (installation) to that,” she said. “In retrospect, I’m not sure what Mr. Weekes thought the city was going to do with him. I thought we made a short-term deal for borrowed space, because (Weekes’ project) would be good for the community, good for the city. I’m truly sorry to see it’s not working out that way.”
There are two sides to every story as the saying goes, and I'm sure there is plenty of blame for both sides on this one. What I found really interesting about this story was some of the people involved and mentioned. First consider that Jay Krull, self-proclaimed 'Events Promoter', was involved. Many who know Jay, know that vagueness is a mantra by which he conducts business, and an illegal one run out of his home. Secondly, Rick Heenan is a man who has no horse in this race (so to speak), is vouching for Mister Weekes, and Mr. Heenan is truly a stand-up guy.
But, the really telling part about this story to me, is that the Buffalo News article gives a fair, facts only investigative report, while the Union Sun & Journal gives their typical 'Tucker regime biased' opinionated approach. Just remember, when it comes to Lockport, if you're not "in", then you are definitely "out"!
Management of the Dale Association, which agreed to loan dormant warehouse space to packet boat builder Michael R. Weeks for six months, recently informed Weekes he must vacate the Lock Street space immediately.
Dale Association Director Linda Van Buskirk’s vacate deadline, today, will come and go with Weekes pondering how to get his 800-pound work-in-progress — it’s the base of the hull — out of the Dale property.
He says he can’t, in one piece anyway, and he hinted earlier this week that until he finds another place to build or at least store the hull, he’s not inclined to go anywhere.
Local support for Weekes’ project, announced with fanfare less than two months ago at the Erie Canal Discovery Center, has evaporated. Weekes’ primary backers — ECDC’s Doug Farley, community event organizer Jay Krull and Van Buskirk — are cutting ties with him after the Dale Association received bills for warehouse improvements and Weekes refused to pay them.
“I wish Mr. Weekes success with his endeavor, but I made the decision to ask him to leave (the Dale warehouse) because the deal has gotten murky. I felt it best not to continue on and incur any more expenses,” Van Buskirk said. “We don’t exist to support boat building; that’s not how we should be spending our money.”
The Dale Association, a not-for-profit senior citizens/human services organization, has been handed bills adding up to $1,500, for electric and heating work inside the warehouse and fuel charges incurred since early December.
According to all parties, Van Buskirk OK’d Weekes’ free, temporary use of the old Sir Billiards pool hall to build a 36-by-12-by-9-foot replica packet boat. The unimproved space was to be the Dale’s contribution to what was billed as a community history and tourism-building project.
In exchange for aiding Weekes as he built the packet boat, it was said at a Nov. 29 press conference announcing the project, the community would have occasional access to the boat, while it was being built and later at canal-linked festivals and special events. At the time, Weekes identified himself as a self-employed business improvement consultant. He said Lockport would be the Pride’s home base, meaning the city’s name would be emblazoned on the back end as he piloted it along the Erie Canal in summer. He also said the boat would be his personal property, since he was funding the $40,000 construction project completely out of his pocket, but he’d gladly “share” it with the community that helped him build it.
Weekes began boat construction at the Dale warehouse around Dec. 10.
Local support for his endeavor starting waning soon after, when the Dale received a $425 bill from one of its electric contractors, for electric work and installation of new lights in the warehouse. Weekes was shown the bill and he refused to pay it.
Weekes told the US&J that he couldn’t afford to, because at the time he was unemployed and “spending thousands of dollars a week on lumber and materials.” Then he said he thought his backers had offered to pick up any heat and electric expenses he incurred at the Dale, by fundraising; that after he, Farley and Krull drafted a budget of $2,500 for utility costs, Krull specifically agreed to obtain sponsorships and donations for that amount.
Krull said that was not their agreement. The men came up with a $2,500 budget estimate to cover miscellaneous costs, mostly expenses tied to marketing of events involving the boat and non-profit organizations. Along the way, Krull said, they estimated utility spending of about $500 at the Dale warehouse — and came up with a plan to try getting the work done for less that Weekes ignored.
Krull said he proposed asking a city building inspector to look over the warehouse and determine if Krull could do the work — mostly putting up new lights — and still keep the warehouse code-compliant; or in the alternative, obtain a discount from a certified contractor. Before a city inspection could be obtained, Krull said, Weekes went ahead and commissioned the Dale contractor on his own, based on a reference from the Dale facilities manager.
Krull, who had recruited Van Buskirk and the Dale to the project, said he had an uneasy feeling about Weekes after the first bill episode. The Dale received additional bills, for building supplies, HVAC work and locksmith service at the warehouse, the total well exceeding the $500 estimate that Weekes had helped draft, Krull said. Meanwhile, Weekes resisted entering a written agreement with his backers specifying who’d do or be responsible for what; and clearly defining Weekes’ intent to “share” the finished boat with Lockport.
How many days or weeks would Pride be in Lockport this summer? Would people be able to board and/or ride it? Would the boat be historically accurate? Why did the boat size decrease, and the cost estimate increase, as Weekes talked more about his plans? How much boat-building experience did Weekes have, anyway, and why couldn’t he show photographs of the three boats he said he’d built previously? Why didn’t he have a construction budget or documentation he possessed the means to pay for construction?
Weekes wouldn’t answer the questions definitively, orally or in writing, Krull said.
To the questions of public access, Weekes said he agreed verbally to make Pride available for public viewing 45 days this summer, for events, weekends and extended docking near ECDC, and he’d produce “passes” allowing up to 12 “guests” at a time to come aboard free of charge, but would not do formal tours because state regulators get involved in that.
Beyond the 2012 navigating season, Weekes told Farley and Krull that he’d agree to a three-year contract with ECDC and other parties, on the condition the parties find — and fund — storage space for his boat during the off season.
Earlier this month, after Weekes failed to answer Krull’s written questions about his background and intentions, Krull told Farley and Van Buskirk that he was stepping down from the partnership. Farley and Van Buskirk soon followed suit — and Weekes got notice to vacate the Dale warehouse by Jan. 30. Van Buskirk raised the deadline to today — and warned she’d have him locked out of the warehouse if he doesn’t go — after Weekes tried badgering her to reconsider, according to Krull.
“We’ve become very concerned about the direction of this, because we have no guarantees; he could let this community build a boat for him ... then sail the Erie Canal into the sunset and we’d never see him again,” Krull said. “There were a lot of discrepancies in Mr. Weekes’ commitment, in what he was going to provide in return for our support. There were just a lot of strange things and (Weekes) wouldn’t clear them up.”
Weekes said he thinks Krull soured on him for competitive reasons, including his dismissal of Krull’s offer to try doing the Dale electric work himself. He claims he’s a victim of broken promises now.
“I had an offer to build (Pride) in Buffalo, in leased space. The reason I’m here is I thought I had fundraising help,” he said. “I was sold the idea that I’d have a place to build this boat ... now here we are.”
Weekes — who says he landed a new job as an executive with Upstate New York Transplant Services last month — insists he can’t remove the unfinished hull from Dale property in one piece, and cutting into pieces would ruin it. He asserted one of his backers’ unmet “promises” was to install an overhead door before he finished building the boat, so he could tow it out whole.
Van Buskirk said she did not promise Weekes a door. The Dale Association already had plans to install an overhead door this spring, in order to use the warehouse for covered vehicle storage. Meanwhile, Weekes’ construction timeline called for a mid-May boat launch.
“By the time the boat was built, it would have been close to the time the board planned to install the overhead door, so I saw no conflict in timing the door (installation) to that,” she said. “In retrospect, I’m not sure what Mr. Weekes thought the city was going to do with him. I thought we made a short-term deal for borrowed space, because (Weekes’ project) would be good for the community, good for the city. I’m truly sorry to see it’s not working out that way.”
There are two sides to every story as the saying goes, and I'm sure there is plenty of blame for both sides on this one. What I found really interesting about this story was some of the people involved and mentioned. First consider that Jay Krull, self-proclaimed 'Events Promoter', was involved. Many who know Jay, know that vagueness is a mantra by which he conducts business, and an illegal one run out of his home. Secondly, Rick Heenan is a man who has no horse in this race (so to speak), is vouching for Mister Weekes, and Mr. Heenan is truly a stand-up guy.
But, the really telling part about this story to me, is that the Buffalo News article gives a fair, facts only investigative report, while the Union Sun & Journal gives their typical 'Tucker regime biased' opinionated approach. Just remember, when it comes to Lockport, if you're not "in", then you are definitely "out"!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Council puts time limit on speakers
By Thomas J. Prohaska
LOCKPORT — The Common Council unanimously adopted time limits for public speakers Wednesday.
Effective at the Feb. 1 meeting, speakers addressing agenda items at the start of the meeting will be limited to three minutes, while those making general remarks at the end of the session will face a five-minute limit.
“Surprised there hasn’t been a lot of opposition to a limit in time,” said Alderman John Lombardi III, R-1st Ward.
He did say some of his constituents wanted a 10-minute limit during the second comment period, but the Council wasn’t interested.
“You can say an awful lot in five minutes,” said Council President Joseph C. Kibler, R-at large.
Corporation Counsel John J. Ottaviano said the old rules called for the total length of the comment period to be 10 minutes, but no one ever enforced that.
The call for limits stemmed from several long meetings last fall that included unusually long speeches by some speakers.
“I am one of the individuals who abused the right to speak,” Anthony Sammarco, of Lincolnshire Drive, said during Wednesday’s meeting. “I know it was far too long, and no one remembers anything that was said. . . I support the three-minute rule.”
“We don’t live in Russia, China, Cuba or one of these countries,” Shirley A. Nicholas, of Mill Street, told the Council. “If you don’t want your people to speak to you, you shouldn’t have taken the job.”
Doralyn Marshall, of Waterman Street, pointed out there is no law requiring comment periods at public meetings. She said, “It is a privilege to us, and I admit some of us may have abused it.”
Mayor Michael W. Tucker said, “Our intent certainly is not to silence the public or not hear what people have to say. That would be ridiculous.”
He said some people have left Council meetings after signing up to speak because others went on too long.
In other matters, the Council adopted a gasoline and diesel fuel contract with Noco Energy Corp., which will charge 13 cents per gallon more than the Buffalo Niagara market average as determined by the Oil Price Information Service.
The Council also passed a ruling that the construction of a proposed second city marina above the Erie Canal locks will have no significant environmental impact and will be exempted from the environmental review process.
A feasibility study by Labella Associates concluded that a state-owned site on the north side of the canal between West Genesee and Stevens streets would be the best location, but funding is nowhere in sight.
Yep, we could see this happening, but that is not what I wanted to point out in this article. Get used to seeing in print the following statement or something very similar, "The Common Council unanimously adopted...". There will be no opposing views or 'no' votes at this year's Common Council meetings, unless they're scripted, of course. The truth is difficult to hear, and even more difficult to say, Mayor Tucker is 'king' and we allow it to be this way.
By Thomas J. Prohaska
News Niagara Reporter
Updated: January 19, 2012, 8:03 AM
Effective at the Feb. 1 meeting, speakers addressing agenda items at the start of the meeting will be limited to three minutes, while those making general remarks at the end of the session will face a five-minute limit.
“Surprised there hasn’t been a lot of opposition to a limit in time,” said Alderman John Lombardi III, R-1st Ward.
He did say some of his constituents wanted a 10-minute limit during the second comment period, but the Council wasn’t interested.
“You can say an awful lot in five minutes,” said Council President Joseph C. Kibler, R-at large.
Corporation Counsel John J. Ottaviano said the old rules called for the total length of the comment period to be 10 minutes, but no one ever enforced that.
The call for limits stemmed from several long meetings last fall that included unusually long speeches by some speakers.
“I am one of the individuals who abused the right to speak,” Anthony Sammarco, of Lincolnshire Drive, said during Wednesday’s meeting. “I know it was far too long, and no one remembers anything that was said. . . I support the three-minute rule.”
“We don’t live in Russia, China, Cuba or one of these countries,” Shirley A. Nicholas, of Mill Street, told the Council. “If you don’t want your people to speak to you, you shouldn’t have taken the job.”
Doralyn Marshall, of Waterman Street, pointed out there is no law requiring comment periods at public meetings. She said, “It is a privilege to us, and I admit some of us may have abused it.”
Mayor Michael W. Tucker said, “Our intent certainly is not to silence the public or not hear what people have to say. That would be ridiculous.”
He said some people have left Council meetings after signing up to speak because others went on too long.
In other matters, the Council adopted a gasoline and diesel fuel contract with Noco Energy Corp., which will charge 13 cents per gallon more than the Buffalo Niagara market average as determined by the Oil Price Information Service.
The Council also passed a ruling that the construction of a proposed second city marina above the Erie Canal locks will have no significant environmental impact and will be exempted from the environmental review process.
A feasibility study by Labella Associates concluded that a state-owned site on the north side of the canal between West Genesee and Stevens streets would be the best location, but funding is nowhere in sight.
Yep, we could see this happening, but that is not what I wanted to point out in this article. Get used to seeing in print the following statement or something very similar, "The Common Council unanimously adopted...". There will be no opposing views or 'no' votes at this year's Common Council meetings, unless they're scripted, of course. The truth is difficult to hear, and even more difficult to say, Mayor Tucker is 'king' and we allow it to be this way.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Council to vote on new public speaking rules
January 16, 2012
Council to vote on new public speaking rules
Staff Reports Lockport Union-Sun & Journal The
Lockport Union-Sun %26 Journal Mon Jan 16, 2012, 11:53 PM
LOCKPORT — A motion to put time limits on public speaking in Common Council
meetings will be voted on by the body when it meets Wednesday.
A proposed amendment of the rules and orders calls for imposing a time limit of three minutes per person speaking to the Council about meeting agenda items, and a limit of five minutes per person addressing the body after business meetings are adjourned.
Common Council President Joseph Kibler said per-person time limits will give all residents fair access to the microphone during Council meeting recesses. A few frequent speakers have monopolized the microphone to the extent they’re discouraging others from speaking, he said.
A second amendment to the rules and orders proposes new rules for aldermen trying to get late resolutions added to meeting agendas. If the amendment is passed by a Council majority, sponsors who miss the Thursday-before-the-meeting deadline would have to run their late resolutions past the mayor, the city attorney and the city clerk, and get approval from all three, before submitting them for Council consideration. The new system will help ensure late resolutions — which typically are not be seen by the aldermen until meeting night — are vetted before they’re voted on, Kibler said.
While I admit that sometimes I wish that a few speakers would just get to the point a little faster, I realize that not everyone is as articulate as Mayor Tucker. I think it would be helpful to at least have the Council agendas post on the City website on the Friday before the Common Council meeting, this would allow everyone who wishes to speak adequate time to either prepare their comments or contact their Alderman for information on a specific resolution.
The larger concern for all of us is the proposed second amendment which means the Council has to seek the Mayor's permission to put forth a late resolution. Apparently Joe (I don't want to improve the City) Kibler doesn't understand that it currently takes a majority vote of the Council to allow late resolutions to be added. Seems simple to me, need time to vet a late resolution, vote "no" to adding it. But, it's not really about that, is it Mike? It's about strengthening the Mayor and weakening the Common Council.
A proposed amendment of the rules and orders calls for imposing a time limit of three minutes per person speaking to the Council about meeting agenda items, and a limit of five minutes per person addressing the body after business meetings are adjourned.
Common Council President Joseph Kibler said per-person time limits will give all residents fair access to the microphone during Council meeting recesses. A few frequent speakers have monopolized the microphone to the extent they’re discouraging others from speaking, he said.
A second amendment to the rules and orders proposes new rules for aldermen trying to get late resolutions added to meeting agendas. If the amendment is passed by a Council majority, sponsors who miss the Thursday-before-the-meeting deadline would have to run their late resolutions past the mayor, the city attorney and the city clerk, and get approval from all three, before submitting them for Council consideration. The new system will help ensure late resolutions — which typically are not be seen by the aldermen until meeting night — are vetted before they’re voted on, Kibler said.
While I admit that sometimes I wish that a few speakers would just get to the point a little faster, I realize that not everyone is as articulate as Mayor Tucker. I think it would be helpful to at least have the Council agendas post on the City website on the Friday before the Common Council meeting, this would allow everyone who wishes to speak adequate time to either prepare their comments or contact their Alderman for information on a specific resolution.
The larger concern for all of us is the proposed second amendment which means the Council has to seek the Mayor's permission to put forth a late resolution. Apparently Joe (I don't want to improve the City) Kibler doesn't understand that it currently takes a majority vote of the Council to allow late resolutions to be added. Seems simple to me, need time to vet a late resolution, vote "no" to adding it. But, it's not really about that, is it Mike? It's about strengthening the Mayor and weakening the Common Council.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Peeping Pat
January 12, 2012
Fur flies over kennel issue
By Joyce Miles The Journal-Register The Lockport Union-Sun %26 Journal Thu Jan 12, 2012, 11:37 PM EST
LOCKPORT — The fur’s flying this week as an animal rescue volunteer fends off
an alderman’s accusations she’s keeping a “kennel” on Lincoln Drive — and the
alderman defends his decision to photograph the inside of her home without her
knowledge or permission.
Bobbie Mael, owner of 28 Lincoln Drive, is going on the offensive against 4th Ward Alderman Patrick Schrader and other city officials, whom she says are trying to “harass” her into letting go of cats and dogs in her care.
Mael and her alderman have long had an adverse relationship. Schrader makes no bones about his feeling that Mael, the founder of an area foster-care network for homeless dogs and cats, imports too many animals into the neighborhood. He claims Mael’s neighbors on Lincoln Drive, and on Willow Street where she’s lived for years, have longstanding gripes about odors, noise and animals on the loose. She doubts that’s true, considering her property lots are large and relatively distant from neighbors.
Simmering tension turned to a boil this past Saturday, when Schrader confronted Mael with photographs purporting to show the living room floor of 28 Lincoln Drive dirtied by litter and feces. Schrader took the photographs himself, by standing outside the house and pointing his cell phone camera in through a window. Mael was not present when he did that.
“This is a total invasion of my privacy,” she said this week. “My attorney suggested I could pursue a trespassing complaint.”
Asked about the pictures Thursday, Schrader admitted he shouldn’t have taken them — “I found out I’m not supposed to do that,” he said sheepishly — but asserted the images help demonstrate Mael is keeping too many animals. He claims Mael “told me, twice, that she’s got 40 cats in that house.”
Schrader obviously wasn’t listening too closely, Mael told the US&J. Her foster-care network, the Eastern Niagara Animal Welfare Alliance, may have 40 or so cats in various foster homes, but they’re not all living at her Lincoln Drive property, she said.
Legally, how many cats are kept at any property is irrelevant. According to City Attorney John Ottaviano, the state does not regulate cats as it does dogs; and therefore the city does not have authority to regulate cats, their number in any place or their care.
Things got worse after Schrader showed Mael his pictures. Mael ended up in a loud argument with Mayor Michael Tucker at City Hall on Monday, and she got wind of possible moves by the building inspection department regarding her Lincoln Drive property.
First Ward Alderman John Lombardi III, an advisory member of the ENAWA board of directors, said he was alarmed when he heard about Schrader’s picture-taking, and Schrader’s subsequent vow to press for a local law preventing boarding of multiple dogs and/or cats in city dwellings. He thought he could defuse the situation by helping Mael land space somewhere in the city to use as a shelter.
In the wake of the euthanasia allegations currently rocking the SPCA of Niagara, Mael said ENAWA is moving to acquire land in Wrights Corners early this year and, by fundraising, will build a no-kill shelter. Lombardi suggested Mael talk to Tucker about ENAWA turning an unused building in Outwater Park into a temporary shelter while the permanent one is raised.
The Monday meeting between Mael and Tucker didn’t go well at all, they agreed in separate interviews. Tucker turned down Mael’s request to use an Outwater building — it’s not legal, he said — and he confronted her about use of the Lincoln Drive house as an illegal “shelter.” Mael says Tucker repeated Schrader’s false allegation that she’s keeping 40 cats in the house and told her “you can’t do that.”
According to Chief Building Inspector Jason Dool, zoning law defines a shelter or “kennel” as a facility harboring three or more dogs temporarily. Kennels are not allowed in residential zones.
On Thursday, Dool disclosed that he has sent Mael a letter informing her she’s violating zoning law by maintaining a kennel on Lincoln Drive. The letter also states there may be a “sanitary” issue at the house — odor — and advises Mael that she has up to three weeks to correct the problems. Dool said that means the city wants her to “clean up and do something with the animals.”
Mael, who as of mid-Thursday had not had received the letter, already anticipated something was coming down the pike. At her invitation, she said, Niagara County Environmental Health Director James Devald visited 28 Lincoln Drive to inspect the house and animals in her care and write a report on his findings. Devald could not be reached to comment Thursday on the inspection, which Mael asserted she and the animals passed with flying colors.
“There are no issues with cleanliness, odor, the animals, anything,” Mael said. “There are no violations.”
From the city’s perspective, the “kennel” question turns on whether Mael is residing at 28 Lincoln Drive. Dool said he believes she does not, adding that his office “investigated” the property over a two-week period this past November, after a complaint from former 4th Ward Alderman Andrew Chapman, to see whether Mael was living there.
Mael insists she splits her residency between the two houses she owns on Willow and Lincoln Drive, and keeps clothing, furniture, dishes, food and other key elements of home at each. Four dogs that accompany her between houses are hers and are registered/licensed that way, Mael said; there’s no law stating she can’t keep four dogs as her pets — and, again, there’s no law regulating the maintenance of cats, period.
Schrader said he started asking questions about Mael’s Lincoln Drive house after receiving an odor complaint from “a neighbor.” He declined to say who the complainant was — and hastened to add Mael’s neighbors on Willow Street also complain about animals being kept there, “but only amongst themselves; they don’t want to stir the pot and take things any further.”
Dool said 28 Lincoln Drive has generated three complaints that he can recall: One from Chapman, who also said he’d taken calls from one or more constituents; Schrader; and someone in the neighborhood who called the department and spoke with an office aide.
Bobbie Mael, owner of 28 Lincoln Drive, is going on the offensive against 4th Ward Alderman Patrick Schrader and other city officials, whom she says are trying to “harass” her into letting go of cats and dogs in her care.
Mael and her alderman have long had an adverse relationship. Schrader makes no bones about his feeling that Mael, the founder of an area foster-care network for homeless dogs and cats, imports too many animals into the neighborhood. He claims Mael’s neighbors on Lincoln Drive, and on Willow Street where she’s lived for years, have longstanding gripes about odors, noise and animals on the loose. She doubts that’s true, considering her property lots are large and relatively distant from neighbors.
Simmering tension turned to a boil this past Saturday, when Schrader confronted Mael with photographs purporting to show the living room floor of 28 Lincoln Drive dirtied by litter and feces. Schrader took the photographs himself, by standing outside the house and pointing his cell phone camera in through a window. Mael was not present when he did that.
“This is a total invasion of my privacy,” she said this week. “My attorney suggested I could pursue a trespassing complaint.”
Asked about the pictures Thursday, Schrader admitted he shouldn’t have taken them — “I found out I’m not supposed to do that,” he said sheepishly — but asserted the images help demonstrate Mael is keeping too many animals. He claims Mael “told me, twice, that she’s got 40 cats in that house.”
Schrader obviously wasn’t listening too closely, Mael told the US&J. Her foster-care network, the Eastern Niagara Animal Welfare Alliance, may have 40 or so cats in various foster homes, but they’re not all living at her Lincoln Drive property, she said.
Legally, how many cats are kept at any property is irrelevant. According to City Attorney John Ottaviano, the state does not regulate cats as it does dogs; and therefore the city does not have authority to regulate cats, their number in any place or their care.
Things got worse after Schrader showed Mael his pictures. Mael ended up in a loud argument with Mayor Michael Tucker at City Hall on Monday, and she got wind of possible moves by the building inspection department regarding her Lincoln Drive property.
First Ward Alderman John Lombardi III, an advisory member of the ENAWA board of directors, said he was alarmed when he heard about Schrader’s picture-taking, and Schrader’s subsequent vow to press for a local law preventing boarding of multiple dogs and/or cats in city dwellings. He thought he could defuse the situation by helping Mael land space somewhere in the city to use as a shelter.
In the wake of the euthanasia allegations currently rocking the SPCA of Niagara, Mael said ENAWA is moving to acquire land in Wrights Corners early this year and, by fundraising, will build a no-kill shelter. Lombardi suggested Mael talk to Tucker about ENAWA turning an unused building in Outwater Park into a temporary shelter while the permanent one is raised.
The Monday meeting between Mael and Tucker didn’t go well at all, they agreed in separate interviews. Tucker turned down Mael’s request to use an Outwater building — it’s not legal, he said — and he confronted her about use of the Lincoln Drive house as an illegal “shelter.” Mael says Tucker repeated Schrader’s false allegation that she’s keeping 40 cats in the house and told her “you can’t do that.”
According to Chief Building Inspector Jason Dool, zoning law defines a shelter or “kennel” as a facility harboring three or more dogs temporarily. Kennels are not allowed in residential zones.
On Thursday, Dool disclosed that he has sent Mael a letter informing her she’s violating zoning law by maintaining a kennel on Lincoln Drive. The letter also states there may be a “sanitary” issue at the house — odor — and advises Mael that she has up to three weeks to correct the problems. Dool said that means the city wants her to “clean up and do something with the animals.”
Mael, who as of mid-Thursday had not had received the letter, already anticipated something was coming down the pike. At her invitation, she said, Niagara County Environmental Health Director James Devald visited 28 Lincoln Drive to inspect the house and animals in her care and write a report on his findings. Devald could not be reached to comment Thursday on the inspection, which Mael asserted she and the animals passed with flying colors.
“There are no issues with cleanliness, odor, the animals, anything,” Mael said. “There are no violations.”
From the city’s perspective, the “kennel” question turns on whether Mael is residing at 28 Lincoln Drive. Dool said he believes she does not, adding that his office “investigated” the property over a two-week period this past November, after a complaint from former 4th Ward Alderman Andrew Chapman, to see whether Mael was living there.
Mael insists she splits her residency between the two houses she owns on Willow and Lincoln Drive, and keeps clothing, furniture, dishes, food and other key elements of home at each. Four dogs that accompany her between houses are hers and are registered/licensed that way, Mael said; there’s no law stating she can’t keep four dogs as her pets — and, again, there’s no law regulating the maintenance of cats, period.
Schrader said he started asking questions about Mael’s Lincoln Drive house after receiving an odor complaint from “a neighbor.” He declined to say who the complainant was — and hastened to add Mael’s neighbors on Willow Street also complain about animals being kept there, “but only amongst themselves; they don’t want to stir the pot and take things any further.”
Dool said 28 Lincoln Drive has generated three complaints that he can recall: One from Chapman, who also said he’d taken calls from one or more constituents; Schrader; and someone in the neighborhood who called the department and spoke with an office aide.
Amid SPCA talk, city to investigate cat allegations
By Thomas J. Prohaska
News Niagara Reporter
Updated: January 12, 2012, 7:59 AM
However, Ottaviano said state law specifically bars localities from regulating the number of cats a person may have in his or her home. Only the number of dogs may be limited.
Alderman Patrick W. Schrader, D- 4th Ward, said he checked out a report that a Willow Street woman has about 40 cats.
Schrader wanted to discuss the matter in executive session, but Mayor Michael W. Tucker said that would be inappropriate.
The issue came up during discussion of the troubles at the SPCA of Niagara, with which the city has a contract to house stray animals.
Ottaviano said the contract should be honored unless the current investigation of the SPCA discloses conduct that breaches the contract.
Tucker said he’s heard the probe is likely to last two weeks.
Apparent animal shelter brings Lockport warning
News Staff Reports
Updated: January 13, 2012, 6:40 AM
Bobbie L. Mael, whose Eastern Niagara Animal Welfare Alliance sought unsuccessfully to outbid the SPCA of Niagara in 2009 for animal control contracts in the City and Town of Lockport, could run a shelter in the city, but not in a residential area, Dool said.
The Lincoln Drive house is in a single- family zone. Dool said an animal shelter would be permitted in an industrial zone or inaB-3 business zone. Mael did not return a call seeking comment.
Dool said Mael needs to show steady progress in reducing the number of dogs and cats in the house in order to stay out of court. Dool said he couldn’t tell through the window how many animals there were. Alderman Patrick W. Schrader said after Wednesday’s Common Council meeting that he thought there were about 40 cats.
Yep, that's our hometown hero, less than one month back in office and the power goes right back to his head. Now, what I find very interesting is the fact that neither the Common Council, nor the Mayor, nor the City Attorney have admonished Alderman Schrader for a clear violation of the law.
So, let's get this straight; it's not okay, although it is legal, to secretly record government meetings where there is no expectation of privacy; but it is okay, although not legal, to go on someone's porch and take pictures of the interior of their home without their knowledge or permission where there is definitely an expectation of privacy. Sure sounds like a Tucker 'Utopia' to me!
Council president resigning to become city clerk
By Thomas J. Prohaska
LOCKPORT — Mayor Michael W. Tucker shuffled the deck Tuesday at City Hall, announcing that Common Council President Richelle J. Pasceri will resign that post to become city clerk, effective today.
Tucker appointed Alderman Joseph C. Kibler, R-at large, to serve as Council president and chose former Council President John Lombardi III to succeed Pasceri in the 1st Ward Council seat.
The mayor's moves surprised even those affected. He said Pasceri was shocked by his offer.
Lombardi said he was relieved to be called to City Hall after closing time Friday and told by the mayor that he wanted him to fill the 1st Ward vacancy. He said he was afraid Tucker would name him city clerk.
Asked if the change had been in the works for a long time, Pasceri answered, "Not so long that I'm scheduled for the next two weeks at Danny Sheehan's [where she is a waitress], and I don't have permanent child care lined up."
Tucker, a Republican, said Pasceri also will be his choice for budget director, the other portfolio held by veteran City Clerk Richard P. Mullaney. He retired Friday after 30 years as budget chief and 26 years as clerk.
However, Mullaney has agreed to a $12,000 consulting contract for this year. "Dick's going to be the budget guy as long as he's here," Tucker said.
The mayor said Pasceri won't be paid extra for budget duties this year; she will receive the $55,000 included in the 2012 budget for the clerk's job.
Tucker's original plan was to have Personnel Officer Mary Pat Holz double as clerk, but Corporation Counsel John J. Ottaviano ruled that state regulations forbade extra employment for Holz because she is in charge of civil service in the city and another assignment would create a conflict of interest.
Pasceri served four years on the Council, the last two as president.
With 10 years on the Council, Kibler, 78, a retired banking executive, also has plenty of budgetary background.
"Joe's the longest-serving alderman. He's been Finance [Committee] chairman for eight years, although I took him off Finance [for 2012] and gave it to [5th Ward Alderman] Ken Genewick because his plate was too full," Tucker said.
Kibler said he wasn't reluctant to take over as Council president. "I've got a good Council, with Lombardi, [Patrick W.] Schrader and Genewick coming back. And Anne McCaffrey and Kitty Fogle [the Council newcomers] are good people," Kibler said.
All the aldermen are Republicans except for Schrader, a Democrat.
Lombardi, 54, served two stints as 5th Ward alderman, totaling eight years, including six years as Council president. His home was moved into the 1st Ward in last year's city redistricting.
He said he will run this fall for election to an unexpired one-year term in his new ward.
Besides Genewick, Tucker named the other committee chairmen. Schrader will head two committees: Youth, and Water and Sewer. Kibler also has two chairmanships: Highways and Parks, and Public Health and Safety. Lombardi will head the Personnel Committee.
This article printed in the Buffalo News should be our first warning that "politics as usual" is alive and well in Lockport and that Tucker learned nothing from November's election results.
By Thomas J. Prohaska
Updated: January 3, 2012, 11:31 PM
Tucker appointed Alderman Joseph C. Kibler, R-at large, to serve as Council president and chose former Council President John Lombardi III to succeed Pasceri in the 1st Ward Council seat.
The mayor's moves surprised even those affected. He said Pasceri was shocked by his offer.
Lombardi said he was relieved to be called to City Hall after closing time Friday and told by the mayor that he wanted him to fill the 1st Ward vacancy. He said he was afraid Tucker would name him city clerk.
Asked if the change had been in the works for a long time, Pasceri answered, "Not so long that I'm scheduled for the next two weeks at Danny Sheehan's [where she is a waitress], and I don't have permanent child care lined up."
Tucker, a Republican, said Pasceri also will be his choice for budget director, the other portfolio held by veteran City Clerk Richard P. Mullaney. He retired Friday after 30 years as budget chief and 26 years as clerk.
However, Mullaney has agreed to a $12,000 consulting contract for this year. "Dick's going to be the budget guy as long as he's here," Tucker said.
The mayor said Pasceri won't be paid extra for budget duties this year; she will receive the $55,000 included in the 2012 budget for the clerk's job.
Tucker's original plan was to have Personnel Officer Mary Pat Holz double as clerk, but Corporation Counsel John J. Ottaviano ruled that state regulations forbade extra employment for Holz because she is in charge of civil service in the city and another assignment would create a conflict of interest.
Pasceri served four years on the Council, the last two as president.
With 10 years on the Council, Kibler, 78, a retired banking executive, also has plenty of budgetary background.
"Joe's the longest-serving alderman. He's been Finance [Committee] chairman for eight years, although I took him off Finance [for 2012] and gave it to [5th Ward Alderman] Ken Genewick because his plate was too full," Tucker said.
Kibler said he wasn't reluctant to take over as Council president. "I've got a good Council, with Lombardi, [Patrick W.] Schrader and Genewick coming back. And Anne McCaffrey and Kitty Fogle [the Council newcomers] are good people," Kibler said.
All the aldermen are Republicans except for Schrader, a Democrat.
Lombardi, 54, served two stints as 5th Ward alderman, totaling eight years, including six years as Council president. His home was moved into the 1st Ward in last year's city redistricting.
He said he will run this fall for election to an unexpired one-year term in his new ward.
Besides Genewick, Tucker named the other committee chairmen. Schrader will head two committees: Youth, and Water and Sewer. Kibler also has two chairmanships: Highways and Parks, and Public Health and Safety. Lombardi will head the Personnel Committee.
This article printed in the Buffalo News should be our first warning that "politics as usual" is alive and well in Lockport and that Tucker learned nothing from November's election results.
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